Inspired a Song: KAMELOT - Karma
Valentino - StyleCard
*Petit Coeur Lingerie
*Immortal Dragon - Shoes Red (gacha)
*Immortal Dragon - Skirt Black (gacha)
The Iron Halo
Metallic Long nail gloves (R) (Signature) Black
Raven King Bento Ring
Morgana - ULTRARARE (R) Pauldrons
*Hollow chest METAL - Red
*Icy Temptation crystal aura BLACK - VIP
* Magma core 12
*Phoenix Rocks
※Body Parts:
*Aysha Hair
*Sceleratis Ears
*+ Archangelum Alis XS +
*+Impius Altum Circlet (silver) +
※TATTOO / Make-up:
❂ (Zibska)
*Guise Tattoo 03
*Dark Touch Fingers & Toes Tattoo
*Organic Decay // Tattoo
*Your Anubis (Black) // Tattoo
*Redemption (Silver) // Tattoo
*Algiz (White) // Tattoo
*Nebula makeup - BLACK
*Fantasia makeup - WHITE
*Phoenix makeup - V1 BLACK
Special Partecipation Model Crisscristian
Garden of Eden -Haven-indiscretion